How Hard Water Affects Your Pool Pump, Filter and Heater

Coachella Valley Hard Water Affects Pool Equipment
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Coachella Valley Pool Maintenance Keeps Your Equipment Safe

Improper chemical levels in your pool can have serious repercussions. Serious enough, that discolored water would be the least of your concerns.

Swimming in a pool with improper chemical levels isn’t safe. It can lead to skin and eye irritation and sickness. Imbalanced chemical levels can also damage your pool pump, filter and heater. Hard water, what happens when your pool contains high levels of calcium and magnesium, causes these issues.

The Coachella Valley pool maintenance Supreme Pool Tile Cleaning performs includes regulating your pool’s chemical levels to keep it safe and avoid your equipment breaking down due to the following problems.

Coachella Valley pool experts help you get more out of your pool equipment. Call us today to learn how.


In simple terms, corrosion is what happens when a material begins to deteriorate (a common form of corrosion is rust). And there’s no getting around it: corrosion will affect your pool equipment. It’s a sure thing because your pump, filter and heater are in constant contact with water and chemicals, hence the importance of maintaining your pool’s chemical balance. Too much corrosion is a sign of hard water. You ideally want to avoid this because it will often require new equipment or expensive repairs. Fully preventing corrosion is unrealistic, but regular pool maintenance in the Coachella Valley will manage it.

Scale Buildup

Those unsightly white lines you may have on your pool tiles are because of calcium buildup. Pool tile cleaning includes getting rid of calcium buildup, also known as scale buildup, but unfortunately, it can affect more than just your pool tiles. Scale buildup can also damage your pool equipment. By coating pipes, scale buildup can ruin your pool equipment from the inside. Allowing this to continue will only worsen the issue, like leaving you to deal with a clogged heater.

Pool Maintenance in the Coachella Valley Keeps Your Equipment in Tip-Top Shape

Dealing with hard water is the reality of having a pool, but it doesn’t have to damage your pool equipment. Supreme Pool Tile Cleaning’ Coachella Valley pool experts know how to balance your pool’s chemicals to extend the life of your pump, filter and heater. Schedule regular pool maintenance to enjoy yours for longer and avoid hefty expenses

Call Supreme Pool Tile Cleaning today so the Coachella Valley’s top experts can balance your pool water.